Here to Help with All of Your Pretrial Service Needs
Judicial Services of the Ozarks was created in 2017 to fulfill the need for misdemeanor probation services. Now JSO offers creative solutions for pretrial services and monitoring to provide reliable resources to clients and reduce recidivism.
GPS Monitoring
Law enforcement and corrections departments utilize GPS monitoring to supervise and track individuals in probation, parole, and release programs. This precise technology has been employed for more than three decades. GPS monitoring involves the use of an ankle bracelet worn by the participant, enabling pre-trial and probation officers to monitor their whereabouts.
GPS devices are often the chosen method of oversight when increased supervision is necessary, particularly for tracking the location of the supervised individual when they depart from their authorized residence, or when a risk involving a third party is detected.
Active Supervision
There are many different supervision statuses for those on probation, including active supervision.
Active supervision typically requires the client to check in with a pre-trial, probation or parole officer regularly. It can also include required drug and alcohol treatment, supervised community service, or participation in the SATOP program.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Individuals under pre-trial supervision, or probation or parole are frequently required to undergo random drug and alcohol testing, often through urinalysis, as a condition of their supervision. This testing protocol is an integral part of pre-trial programs and defendant release conditions.
Although not necessarily convicted of drug or alcohol-related offenses, those individuals may still be subject to urine or saliva tests that screen for substances like alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, marijuana, PCP, and opioids. JSO is able to provide such testing, and confirm the results as well.
Mobile Phone Monitoring
Mobile phone monitoring offers an excellent transition for those defendants who have been successful with full GPS monitoring, using cellular towers to track an approximate location.